Baycan Azeri

Not receiving emails

Client called and stated they are not receiving certain emails....

So some rules in outlook make some emails hard to find or blocked. A client called and stated that he wasn't receiving all of his emails, only some of them. So immediately I thought of spam blocking, and domain blocking in effect. So I logged into his outlook and asked specifically what emails he wasn't getting. He said one in particular that he wasn't receiving.

I went into the settings and unchecked focused emails. This is a fairly new option in outlook to bring the intelligently pre-sorts your email so you can focus on what matters in a specific place. So we don't need this.

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Next we need to check the rules. Rules will create a method of how to handle incoming emails. It can put them into a specified folder, put them in spam or block them all together. We don't need that unless we are absolutely sure as to where we want to send those designated emails.

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And finally we want to make sure the email addresses that we need are not blocked and they are designated as safe senders and domains. This could potentially block emails that we are looking for.

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After that, we should be all good. Sent a test email to sender in question and asked him to respond and presto, all done. It went through without a hitch.

Created by Baycan Azeri 2023